Finally giving up on old sheets and newspapers for protecting surfaces while painting?
Whether you are a professional contractor or a weekend warrior, choosing the correct canvas drop cloth quality can make the difference between success and failure. Most canvas drop cloths are fabricated from Cotton Duckcloth. This has nothing to do with a duck or animal skins. Duck refers to an even flat weave type of canvas.
Brighter is Better
The brighter or more “natural” in color – the better the quality of the cloth. Try to stay away from cloths that are grayish and have specs or seeds in the cloth Typically this is a sign of inferior cloth that won’t last or perform as desired.
Higher Thread Counts More Durable
The quality of a drop cloth is referred to either in ounces per square yard or medium, heavy or extra heavy. A safe comparison is:
- 8 oz = Medium
- 10 oz = Heavy
- 12 oz= Extra Heavy
Generally speaking, the heavier the drop cloth the higher the thread count which will absorb more paint, be more durable and perform better. Professional painters mostly use medium or heavy as they don’t spill a lot.
Professional Use vs. DIY
Remember, the name is DROPcloth not SPILLcloth. While the do-it-yourselfer might shop price, they should either use a 10 oz or 12 oz drop cloth when painting because they are more likely to spill or have mishaps. Warning: If there is a major spill, do not, we repeat DO NOT walk on the spill. Since dropcloths are untreated cotton woven products, stepping on a spill will push it through the canvas. For other projects such as carpentry and fighting dust, a lighter product is sufficient.
Extend Drop Cloth Life
When finished using your drop cloths, store them dry so they can be used over and over again.
Chicago Canvas & Supply provides a wide selection of drop cloths for professional and non-professional use. With selections ranging from 8 oz, 10 oz., and 12 oz. canvas drop cloths to butyl rubber and plastic. Not sure which one is best for your application? That’s what we are here for…helping you get the best product for your application without overbuying or not having something sufficient for your use.