Muslin. What exactly is it and where do we use it?

Muslin really is a generic term for a wide variety of cotton fabrics often referred to as sheeting.  This fabric is closely woven which gives it a pure starched finish and a flat “clothy” effect and feel.

Muslin Stage Flats (Background)

Like anything else, there are various grades of muslin.  A good heavy weight natural muslin is a satisfactory choice for stage flats.  Flats are scenic units from which the walls of most theater sets are built.  The muslin is adhered to a frame and then a scenic artist will prep the muslin and paint a background.  It’s a longer story about this technique which we will address in a later post.

Additional Uses for Muslin Fabric

The uses for muslin are not limited to stage flats.  This affordable, versatile fabric is used for cutting clothing and costume patterns, draperies, craft projects, linings, quilting, table cloths, covers and more.

In the 40’s and 50’s, Muslin had a unique use when it was common to plaster walls with it.  In order to keep a cracked wall from crumbling, Muslin was adhered to the wall using wallpaper paste.  The Muslin was then painted which was amazing because virtually any scene or design could be comprised on the wall.  Cool!

In today’s textile world there are of course so many choices of muslin. Colors galore, super wide seamless Muslins up to 39′, flame retardant and fiber blends are also available.  Our Photo Gray Muslin is ideal for a great photographic backdrop and White Muslin is a popular choice for a cycloramas and projection screens.

Muslin is an easy to handle and affordable fabric.  Muslin is a great choice……just saying.